Monday, October 5, 2009

Fireman - Explorer

I had a High School Senior consultation a few days ago with a mother and her son. The consultation appointment is important to the success of the photo session. We visit to get to know one another. I ask the Senior about what they're envolved in, what they do for fun, plans after High School, etc. Then we develop a plan for their senior session. At this meeting Michael told me of his plan to become a Fireman. He's currently in the Fire Department Explorer Program. The lightbulb above went on, and exciting ideas started flowing through my head. I asked him if he would like a few photographs with his fire gear and he agreed to bring it along on our scheduled photo session.

The Fire Explorer program prepares teenagers with training and participation. They go on calls with Firemen, assisting with some tasks both in the station and on calls. Gives them a leg-up on the career when they get out of school. After high school Michael is headed to college and a degree in Fire Science.

Near the end of our session he donned his gear and we made a few photographs that were really fun. My assistant Garrett and Michael's mom helped shape the light and here you see the result. The background was under exposed and a shoot thru umbrella with portable strobe was used as a Main light camera left. A portable strobe with a warm gel and no other modifier was aimed at the subject from behind and to camera left for an edge. In post I darkend the foreground and background and Micheal is lookin' cool man.