Do you love the movies? Do you love the outdoors? And, do you love your bicycle? Well, here's just the thing. The New Belgium Brewery Bike-In Movie Series. Yup, ride your bike to New Belgium on one of their movie nights and you can enjoy a feature film out on the lawn. I went to the last showing of their summer 2007 schedule. I cheated a little, drove my Pathfinder to within a few blocks, unloaded the bike and rode the rest of the way. I soon found there were alot of people doing this, and some didn't even bring their bike! Many did ride though, it was cool to see all the bikes parked along the approaching streets (Later when I was leaving, I had to pry my bike out from behind another layer).

I got in line and visited with other movie-goers, finding that New Belgium has been doing this for a few summers. Tonights movie was "Taledega Nights" preceded by a short documentary about water use in Northern Colorado. They had a segment about how the often seen (Locally) "Save the Poudre" poster was conceived and made. I heard one guy say, "wow I didn't know that was ______!" I worked my way around for a couple of photographs, weaving in and out of the landscape of reclined bodies on the periphery. It was a nice way to see a movie in the summer.

Its Bring-your-own-chair, and I wished I had brought-my-own-soda. They serve beer of course (not for me), and I think they had a hot dog stand that may have sold soda pop. For a guy who doesn't drink beer, I had a swell time. I look forward to this years series, which unfortunately doesn't start until August. Here's a link to the planned schedule. Hope to see you there! http://downtownfortcollins.com/events.php/detail/141/3
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