To make the picture I had in mind - I used what I had, an old point and shoot Nikon ActionTouch waterproof film camera I brought for the river paddling we were there to enjoy. I set the focus, locked an exposure bias, carefully composed and braced the camera on a side bench, and squeezed the shutter. On our return home I had to wait for the lab like the old days. When I picked it up - Bingo! Just as I visioned. I scanned the print. Opened it in photoshop and adjusted the contrast and sharpened it a bit. The slow shutter speed combined with the characteristics of film give this shot a painterly look. Like George Peppard used to say... I love it when a plan comes together.
People often say to me "That's a really nice camera". It's not the camera, it's the photographer.
People often say to me "That's a really nice camera". It's not the camera, it's the photographer.