Todays post is a departure from my usual. I'm a member of a local photography group that meets occasionally in various locations to shoot, or just gather at a local Bar & Grill to talk photography with other like minded photonuts (our spouses can only take so much). It was arranged for us to get inside the more than 100 year old
Feed & Grain building in Loveland, Colorado. I've shot outside the building a few times (see Nov, 21 '08 post) and was really curious to get inside. These are just a few of the photographs I made. The building is really dark and spooky inside with only a few areas lit by a single bulb here and there, and as I felt my way around, I kept thinking I was in a teen-terror movie. Without a tripod, I kept leaning on walls and beams, bracing my Nikon against anything I could for the long exposures. When we exited the building, I found my black camera bag (and much of me) was near white from all the dusty surfaces. Next time I'll be sure to have a tripod - There were many cool features I couldn't capture without one... like all those cool rope and pulley man elevators that were in the dark.
Love shooting at the Feed and Grain!